Friday, July 22, 2011

bipolar seven-year-old. yep, that's me.

neither of those things are diagnosed, mind you...but seriously.
i'm a grumpy little gremlin.
an angry smurf.
i princess cry 6-8 times a day.

i seriously need a vacation.
how about a roadtrip to PA, Ashlee, my super hot girlfriend?

also, i'm thinking of moving to Delaware..
it's 1 1/2 hours from NYC or Washington, D.C.
it's 45 minutes to the beach on one side and mountains on the other.
and it's a big change.

discuss all these things.


  1. yes to Delaware! they don't have sales tax! so are you saying that we are dating?i hope that's what you are saying but if you're not....embarassing.

  2. and yes, we're dating. i hate this long distance thing, my love!
