Tuesday, April 26, 2011

the voice....

two voices, actually.

i miss That Voice...you know, CB, the lanyard guy. sexiest voice ever to go missing from my life.

the show that is on t.v. with C-Low Envy, Adam Ravine, Christina Agulieriraiala , and Blake Shelldumb.
it's fabulous. watch it. yes, i know i butchered those names. it's legit.

one more thing:
i miss my Crazy Tammie.
all i want is to spin, yoga, do weights. anything. my poor body without her...
only, i think my butt is bigger now? muscle, maybe? either way, i was hoping for SMALLER! ;)
kidding, love you Tamster.

1 comment:

  1. You are too funny! I love it! It brightens my day......And yes, muscle! It's the best kind of bling around. Celebrate it :)
