Sunday, March 13, 2011


instead of the goofy, "He loves me. He loves me not. He loves me. He loves me not." thing that girls are prone to do, i spend hours every single day going, "Logan. Cedar city. Logan. Cedar city."

it's not funny, i'm dying here.
in any case, i've had beautiful week full of people i haven't spent enough time with lately.
i caught up a little with my aryan.
eric and the boys.
crazy tammie. 
taylor the romanian girl missionary.
taylor my beto's lover.
seth the very barton.
logan soon to be stephens.
james and nancy lowe. my brotha and otha motha. 
buzz lightyear, my amazing bishop.
ashlee adkins, my lover.

one name is missing from the list, but the separation on that one wasn't my fault and i'm not fixing it. oh well.

five things i've learned recently:
1. don't spray paint a bed frame from ikea. just leave the stupid thing white. it's cute either way. obviously you'll have to spend hours undoing the work or buy sixteen cans of spray paint to get the job done. neither is a good option.
2. if you have a problem, KISS it. Keep It Simple, Stupid. 
3. spies don't get fired, they get burned.
4. there was a super big earthquake in japan. (honestly didn't know that until my dad brought it up.)
5. you can buy gym memberships on ksl. it's similar to buying a dog or bookshelf, oBviously.
6. my hair is longer than it's been in THREE years. yes. i rock. it's getting there.
7. found my dream shoes on ebay. you betcha i'm buying them soon.
8. my rent is 272 dollars, not 372. now my landlord is having a massage on me...whatevs. that better come off next month's rent, Stewart A. Jones.

now, Michael Westin and i have a date. and that date will be followed by a double date with Wallice and Bedtime. 

nighto, lighto! 


  1. do i feel kinda good about myself for making it to your blog for the first time? probs.

  2. I feel good too! :) Wish you could come to my St. Pattys spin tomorrow night!

  3. that would be soooo fun! i'm officially very sad that i'm missing it.
