Friday, August 19, 2011

i ate a bug...

more like the stupid thing forced itself down my throat...

i was riding my bike, minding my Ps and Qs when all of a sudden, mid-yawn, a bug flew into the back of my mouth.
this caused me to have to gag a little.

but like heck was i going to throw i went to grab my water bottle and force it down, while focusing on my breathing and not just retching then and there.

it didn't go quite like that smoothly though. i pulled the top up with my mouth and while getting ready to flip it and take a sip, i dropped it, mid-ride.

it started rolling into the highway. a couple cars swerved around it. i slammed on my brakes and jumped off my bike, leaving it safely on the side of the road, if not a little haphazardly.

i looked for about 2 split seconds, then sprinted into the road, trying to gather it because:
a. the stupid thing cost me eight bucks. and,
b. i don't like the idea of littering. at. all.

so i crouched to grab it and noticed too late the semi heading right in my direction. he swerved, i ninja-jumped into the middle lane, and caught my breath. then i breathed a little sigh of relief that he didn't smash my bike, and after super looking, i sprinted back across the road, climbed on my bike and started up again. all witness may have peed a little, watching in slow motion as i barely made it out with my life.

funny thing is, it wasn't that scary. it was that weird out of body experience where you are aware of what's going on, but you don't really feel it. i nearly got hit and probably killed and i didn't even flinch or bat and eyelash. that's just because i'm fearless.

now though, it's a little more scary. i'll be more careful, i promise.

but please, someone figure out a way to keep the bugs off me. especially grasshoppers. a few strangers witnessed me shrieking bloody murder trying to get one off my leg. i swear, they have sticky tape on their legs....i still shudder thinking about that one.

also, get rid of roadwork. because between sweaty, tan guys checking me out and not watching their heavy equipment and a jaycie on a bike swerving between cones, someone's bound to be hit and maimed eventually.
please bless it isn't me! amen.


  1. I'm so glad you are ok! Did you get your water bottle back?

  2. Ha ha ha. Oh, Jaycie. I am so glad you are alright! Thanks for the story! You need to be more careful and not yawn. Ha ha. I sure love you! Keep up the great work with the bike, work and all the other stuff you got going on.

  3. Thanks Steph!

    Alexa, YES, I got my water bottle back! It didn't even get ran over by anyone!
