Monday, May 2, 2011


so apparently osama bin laden is dead.
that's what the news is saying, anyway.

people are overjoyed, scared, etc.

i just have two thoughts on the matter.

one: why the heck has it taken so long to track him down?
for being a world super power, America sure took her time.
there's no way in hell you can lose an entire person for ten years.
at least, not one you know the approximate location of.
it's not like he could have just hopped on a plane and peaced out to bora bora.
EVERYONE in the universe was looking for him.
seven billion people couldn't spot the guy? i'm calling BS.

two: no matter how horrible, murderous, and evil he may have been,
he was a human. i'm not saying i condone or support what he did, but it sure as heck is not my place to judge him.
to do that makes me no better than him.
i'm so glad it's up to the Big Guy Upstairs to handle.

1 comment:

  1. Didn't you read 3 cups of tea? When Greg mortenson entered the forbidden region where Osama had been hiding he understood why it would be impossible to find him. And Russia tried to do the same thing and failed.
